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Traditional Medicines to Lower Cholesterol Levels

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Many of us are trying many ways to lose excess body weight these days. But only a few get the benefit of it. For most of us, our diet and lack of exercise is the reason why we don't lose weight. First of all, a small introduction about how cholesterol is formed... Generally, the enzyme called HMG CoA reductase is responsible for the production of cholesterol in large quantities in our body.

As a result, the level of bad cholesterol increases in our body, usually bad cholesterol does not dissolve in our blood but rather accumulates in our blood vessels and obstructs the blood flow. At some point, this bad cholesterol also starts depositing in our heart, and as a result, we are more prone to strokes and heart attacks. We need to control the enzyme HMG CoA reductase to control the excess cholesterol in the blood.

Medicines called "statins" are used to control this enzyme, for example: simvastatin (zocor), rosuvastatin (crestor), lovastatin (mevacor), drugs that control this enzyme and help reduce cholesterol in the blood.

To reduce excessive cholesterol in the blood naturally without any side effects :- Turmeric contains a natural chemical called curcumin,

pepper contains a natural chemical called Piperine, and ginger contains a natural chemical called gingerol.

The above mentioned natural chemicals have the power to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Including them in our daily diet improves health and keeps cholesterol levels under control.

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