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Graphene as a tool to cure cancer!!

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Graphene is a substance that was extracted by an ordinary man in 2003 and won the Nobel Prize. pencil we use to write with. Although this material is very thin to look at, it has many uses. Let's look at its features.

Graphene is 10 lakh times thinner than paper, making it very light in weight.

However, it is not only stronger than diamond but also 200 times stronger than iron.

Highly flexible, graphene is a much better conductor of heat and electricity than copper.

Graphene, which has a density of one atom, allows 98 percent of light to penetrate through it.

Graphene is used in expensive mobile phone touch screens.

Graphene is used as a water purification tool because it can only penetrate water and not other gases or liquids.

Batteries made of graphene have the ability to work for longer hours, are smaller in size and can hold more electricity. Another advantage is that it is light in weight.

In modern medicine, Graphene is used as a tool to inject drugs into specific areas of our body.

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