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Chemical changes in the body caused by stress

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

In this burgeoning world it has become very rare to see people without stress. Although the causes of stress vary, there are some common causes ... Negative thinking about the past and the future, comparing our lives to the lives of others, and losing faith in ourselves are the most common causes of stress.

In our daily lives from the time we wake up in the morning until we go to sleep at night, whether we know it or not, chemistry drives us. Now let's see what is the connection between stress and chemistry . When a person is under high stress, his body naturally secretes a large amount of the chemical cortisol. It is also known as the stress hormone.

Research has shown that some side effects of this chemical can cause high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and insomnia.

Some ways to avoid stress :

No matter how big the problem in this world, there is a solution to it and we have to deal with it with positive thinking.

We must abandon negative thoughts about the past and the future and cultivate positive thoughts. What do others think of us? Should drop the thought because this thought is the cause of most stress. It does not cause stress to those who have their own work to do. We need to realize that our life is not for others, we are only for living happily.

Avoid drinking too much tea and coffee.

Avoid alcohol and smoking.

If we get used to doing exercise, yoga and meditation daily, we will not only get rid of stress but also many diseases.

Patience, sobriety, rationality of good and bad, the belief that we can face any problem that comes our way. If you have all these you can achieve anything Let's do good! Let's think good !! Will be fine!!!

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