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Chemistry of Trans fat

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Fats are divided into three categories

1) Unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial fats for the body.

2) Saturated fatty acids are harmful fats for the body.

3) Trans fats are very dangerous.

Let's look at this in detail now.

1) Unsaturated fats (unsaturated fatty acids).

Generally these types of fats come mostly from plant sources. It is in liquid state at room temperature. These fats are found in coconut oil, almonds and other legumes, olive oil, fish and vegetables. These foods increase good cholesterol (HDL-high density lipoprotein) and reduce bad cholesterol (LDL-low density lipoprotein). Good Cholesterol (HDL) dissolves easily in the blood thus preventing the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels. Good cholesterol improves heart and brain health.

2) Saturated fats (saturated fatty acids).

These fats mostly come from animal sources. Generally these are in solid state. For example, these types of fats are found in coconut oil, milk, curd, butter, eggs, chicken, mutton and many non-vegetarian foods. They raise bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower good cholesterol (HDL). Bad cholesterol does not dissolve easily in the blood and over time it builds up in the blood vessels and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Consuming these foods in moderation and engaging in physical exercise can be beneficial for health.

3) Trans fats

These fats are synthetically produced. Trans fats are made from palm oil through a chemical reaction (hydrogenation). Generally, this type of fat exists in both solid and liquid states (i.e., a mixture of both). For example, Vanaspati is this type of fat. The purpose for which these are made,

1) Very cheap price

2) Can be stored for long days

3) This keeps the prepared food items from spoiling for a long time

4) Gives taste and makes you want to eat it again and again.

These types of fats are used in bakery snacks and most packaged snacks.

These are the most dangerous of all. Avoiding these types of fats is very good for health.

"A disease-free life is an infinite wealth"

Even sufferings in this impermanent world are impermanent and can be faced if you live with the fact that this too will pass.

Do physical exercise and yoga for physical health and meditation for mental health. Spend at least one hour every day for this precious health of yours. This is my loving and caring request to you.

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