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Chemical changes in the body caused by happiness

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Mental health is also very important in our daily lives despite having the best foods to stay physically healthy. It is a scientific fact that there is chemistry behind our thoughts. When we are happy and have positive thoughts, our body secretes beneficial chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin .

These refresh the body, boost the immune system, keep all the organs in the body in good health, improve the functioning of the brain, boost confidence, and eliminate negative thoughts such as anxiety and fear.

Decreased levels of these chemicals can lead to unhappiness, depression, mood swings, an inability to concentrate on an activity, anger, and hopelessness.

Here are some ways to increase these types of pleasure chemicals naturally in the body.

Smelling fragrant flowers and using perfumes can increase the levels of these chemicals and relieve stress. Good sleep, positive thoughts, good song listening, exercise, yoga, meditation, and social bonding can all increase the levels of these chemicals.

This will remove anxiety and fear, develop confidence in ourselves and increase focus on actions.

The fact that we all have positive thoughts during this period will make way for us to get rid of all kinds of problems. Nothing in this world is permanent and the suffering that comes to us is also not permanent. We can face anything in life if we live that this too will pass !!

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